Blog Post #3

  1. According to Berger, publicity images influence consumers because it shows an alternative way of life. Publicity images make one desire something glamorous which results in an enviable attitude. It plays on fear of not being desirable, thus becoming “faceless, almost nonexistent”. Possessing these glamorized objects often conveys one’s life better than before because of the dream they promise. This is significant because it shows how publicity influences consumers and how one should live. This creates a mindset of how these glamorous lifestyles can change our lives by buying these objects.
  2. The difference between oil painting and publicity photography is important because it shows a shift of how an artwork/image is being conveyed. The production of images for publicity shows a contrast on the promises that these products offer. While these products are being produced by factory workers who often work with harsh environments such as exposure to chemical and other factors, these products for example, fragrances which advertise being desirable and often showing sensual images, creates an illusion of a better life.
  3. The dream of later tonight shows people thriving and the satisfaction of being surrounded by pleasure. The alcohol conveys an occasion in which one can relax and put all worries aside. People are having a great time as the sexual tension between you and your partner grows. The use of imagery manipulates the consumers because it shows a lavish lifestyle where the consumers are seen celebrating with intimate friends. It creates a desire where life seems perfect and a diversion from reality. The images create a sense of euphoric feeling that lingers throughout the dream.