During the Renaissance, many women were objectified through men’s artwork. Representations of women were overly sexualized to appeal to the man’s eye. In the middle of episode 2, Berger asks “Do these paintings celebrate as we’re normally taught the women within them or the male wire? Is their sexuality within the frame or in front of it?” and I say they are 100% celebrating the male wire because the artists who created the oil paintings had the intent to sexualize women. Also during the Renaissance, some women did not really see the beauty in themselves and did not have the confidence as women do today. Although women have more confidence today, I believe representations of women today objectify them in similar ways as Berger argues about women in Renaissance paintings. Women still get judged by many through social media or in real life. It is 2021, a year where social media has been greater than ever but is it so great when everyone is looking for acceptance within likes and followers? Women post pictures and feel as if they have to fit the male idea of what looks “good”. These days if you don’t have an hourglass figure you are not considered appealing, at least in men’s eyes. Women are still being constantly over-sexualized today and I don’t believe that is something that will ever end.
I feel there is a difference, in that during the Renaissance, men were the ones mostly spreading sexual representations of women, weather the women in those paintings actually existed or not. However today in our society, it is mostly women who spread sexual representations of themselves.
Hana, interesting points. You’re saying objectification is inevitable.