- The difference between hearing and listening is significant. Hearing is when you hear a sound or someone speak and don’t really give it much thought or attention. Listening is when you actually pay attention to what is being said or sounds that catch your attention. People are listening when it is useful information that will affect them and people choose to hear when it is something that does not phase them. For example, I tend to zone out when people are talking to me about irrelevant things but I listen when I know what is being said is relevant to me. I do not believe most people use race, gender, or social class when it comes to the decision of hearing or listening, instead people use the relevance to them.
- Schafer and Krukowski discuss the relationship between sound and space by talking to us about how sound is always around us. Sometimes we pay attention and realize it and sometimes we do not. The birds chirping, the leaves blowing with the wind, it is all sound that is around us.