Blog Post #5

1.The distinction between hearing and listening is that we can hear but sometimes perceive nothing more like background noise without much thinking, whereas listening you’re being attentive to each word and evaluating what is being said. We make the decision about what we listen to. For example if someone was to give a speech in a” silly shirt” or “funny hair” any form of a distraction can lead to misinterpretation  and  just obstruct the whole listening process instead of focusing on the substance of the topic/person rather than the appearance.

2.Shafer and Krujowski believed there was a connection between space and sound, They believed most of the time when you hear background noise you don’t pay close attention as in what’s being said which can have a negative impact as Scafer explains. Scafer believes sound comes from culture and environment, and by not paying close attention to noise can impact on our everyday activities and even beliefs. Krukowski’s Opposition was that  technology was affecting people’s social interaction because of how much technology time people were consuming, and people miss out on information, new conversations,new relationships, etc.


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