Blog Post #8

For paper #2, I will be using “ways of hearing” by Damon Krukowski and “Living with music” by Ralph Ellison to demonstrate how sounds shaped the way we lived. Living in the city, we encounter different types of sound either it is obnoxious or pleasing to the ears. Learning to adapt to the sounds we hear is essential in places where noise pollution is inevitable. Through the use of technology, we are able to manipulate sounds and turn them into our personal liking. Digital media paired with earphones, speakers, or phones can create a personalized space that allows one to detach from the physical world and to reconnect to the desired place or person.

1 thought on “Blog Post #8

  1. Paul Fess

    Jericho, this is good, but you need to be more specific. I suggest you choose two or three aspects of city life or locations that are significant for your perspective.

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