1-According to John Beger, advertising is used to achieve higher sales and capture customers’ attention. We carry in our mind the images that advertising shows. We can even see them in our dreams. Advertising proposes that we change our lifestyle if we buy a product that we will not even use. We purchase the products only because the person presenting them had a transformation, and we want to have it too. Advertising does that if we buy the products they offer, we will change our lifestyle by obtaining them. Showing us happy people sends a message that we need that product to have a life-like these people.
2- According to John Berger, oil paintings began with events from the life of their owner. In these paintings, you can see the wealth or current achievements of its owner. However, this does not include how he obtained such wealth. They don’t offer anything. It just shows what they already have. However, advertising shows us the perfect life we want to have, persuading us to obtain their services or their products “since we can thus obtain a full life.”
3- John Berger spoke of three dreams, the one that caught my attention the most was “the dream from later tonight.” In this particular dream, advertising is shown with very colorful vivid images, emphasizing that everyone is smiling. All people enjoy the products that surround them, and above all, they are products that give off pleasure. These products can attract you in a way that can show that our way of life is glamorous.