- To my understanding John Berger claims publicity as a strategy of marketing where the seller displays desirable images of their products, these images we keep in our minds as memories of things we wish to have. When we acquire those thing we wished for we feel wealthy and this creates envy of each other.
- With oils paintings people showed their belongings as a way of showing what they owned and possessed or who they were. With advertisement images nowadays they show products people would like to have, this causes people to get spend more and more getting poor making the rich richer.
- Advertising shows an image of satisfaction when you get a product that is for sale, this makes people to think that buying the advertised product will get the same satisfaction as the person who presents it. usually people are fooled but the thought that they are going to look or be as the same people used for the advertisement.
Category Archives: Blog post #3
- According to berger he says advertisements influence people to chase their dreams and what they want. I do agree with what hes saying as a consumer thats out shopping seeing an advertisement for any item you desire youre going to get attracted to that advertisement sign. The image that you see will most of the time if not all the time catch your eye and influence you to buy whatever product youre seeing. The advertisement can be seen outside on a billboard or can be seen on tv.
2. The differences behind the theme of oil paintings vs publicity is important because they show us the difference between what we see in front of us and what we see in a fantasy world. When you fantasizing about something its usually your doing it because of something out of the ordinary, but when your not thinking in a fantasy world your living in the real life. When you see the advertisements you see those people with high end products so you fantasize about it and think if you had what they had you will be happier. But in most cases that dosent happen as usually people end up getting a reality check.
3. The dream of far away place for me was like a representation of wanting something that is out of my control and that isnt just realistic. Someone like me has always seen big twitch streamers blow up and get famous and make streaming a career for them, Seeing that though is all a misconception because they worked hard to where they are right now. I always thought that they blew up just quick without any hard work but i was misconceived.
Blog Post #3-by Wendy Figuereo Mota
1-According to Berger, advertising imagery influences consumers in the way they either desire or envy what they are seeing. This is significant because people live with a lot of advertising around them and this affects them if they don’t have enough to get it, ending up at a point of collapse because they don’t have what others do.
2-The differences between oil painting and advertising photography are important because painting shows you what you have and the appreciation you have for it, but advertising photography simply modifies what you have to show it as something new so that you want to acquire it as if it were something necessary. What it reveals about the production of images for advertising is that they are little deceptions by companies to make you want their products.
3-Advertising uses the dream of a faraway place in images of people on a small vacation on the beach, in a resort, or even in another country to manipulate consumers that they too need it to be happy.
Blog Post #3
- By giving consumers a dream, by engineering desire, by creating an sensation of glamour, one party can successfully profit off of another’s attention. In this way, it makes the consumers believe they are gaining when in actuality, they are withdrawing their money and fulfilling the desires of the advertisers.
- The shift in focus goes from imagery produced for or by a person who has happened to be born as a high ranking member of society to appealing to modern dreams of becoming that someone who is living an enhanced life. This modern ideal invites potentially the entire populous this new imagery targets to live similarly to the higher status individuals in their society. This reveals the notion that publicity is made to satisfy a probable desire of the society it targets.
- The dream of buying your way into a happy life, attracting people, and easily obtaining desirable social circles is one Berger states that is offered by publicity. Playing on the desires of consumers can get them to act in ways which they could regret doing down the line, but is effective at fulfillng their immediate “needs”.
Blog Post #3
- Berger claims that advertising inspires dreams within consumers. Consumers see an advertisement and see a standard of life, making it feel like that is what they should aspire to achieve. This is significant because it can shape many people’s goals, seeing publicity and thinking they should achieve exactly that.
- The differences behind the theme of oil paintings vs publicity is important because it shows the difference between the purpose of the both. It shows that publicity images are produced to specifically target dreams and cause certain feelings within people.
- One dream Berger mentioned was “the dream of a faraway place.” Publicity related to this uses imagery to manipulate consumers in many ways. By showing the feelings of the people within the images, etc. For example, an advertisement for a vacation might show people very comfortably relaxing while seeming extremely pleased, smiling, etc. This inspires a dream within the consumer by making them feel the desire for that setting.
Blog Post #3 Assignment
After you watch episode 4 of Ways of Seeing (or even while you are watching it), provide short answers the questions below.
- According to Berger, how do “publicity”–what we would call advertising–images influence consumers and why is this significant?
- As he compares oil painting to publicity (advertising) photography, Berger argues that oil painting “showed what the owner was already enjoying among his possessions and way of life;” “it enhanced his view of himself as he already was.” Whereas publicity pictures, “appeal to a way of life that we aspire to or think we aspire to.” Why are these differences important? What do they reveal to us about the production of images for publicity?
- Choose one of the “dreams” he offers or think of your own. How does this dream offered by advertising use imagery to manipulate consumers?