Category Archives: do not use

Blog Post #7

  • Damon Kurkowski says ” the marginal-the rejected-the repressed is whatever the powerful have decided is of no use at the moment.” I think what the author meant by this statement is that the way we listen to music now a days is so advance from the way music was listened to back in the day with CD’s, tapes, A-tracks etc. He also acknowledges the fact that we tend to forget the other ways we can interact with music from the old school to the new school way.
  • The difference between the powerful and the marginalized in music is when practically everyone knowing a specific song,artist,band etc, that can be identified as powerful, as to being marginalized, where its less popular and not many people know a specific artist,song,brand etc.
  • According to Krukowski, the dfference between being surprised by music is like skipping a certain song in an album that we didn’t bother ourselves to listen too, and finally listening to it and being surprised at the fact that the song was better than expected. where as discovering music we never listened to before, may make us feel certain emotions we may have not felt from other the music we’re used too.
  • Forced exposures listening experience differs from Spotify because you get a variety of music to listen to, where Spotify allows you to choose the genre,artist,song etc that you prefer to listen to and gives you recommendations based off of that, instead of keeping an open range of unlimited music.

Blog Post #6

  • Ralph Ellisons’s ” Living w Music,” describes his experience living in NYC apartments and all the sound tracks that came within the walls of the buildings. At first he found it to be distracting to his writing, but then he noticed that sounds are apart of our daily lives, from hearing your neighbors singing terribly and laughing with them for it, to hearing the things our neighbors deal with. I can definitely relate to this, especially as a kid, I would remember my neighbor would wake me up at 11am on the weekends blasting his music. At times I would wake up so aggravated, but then I got used to it and would actually wake up jamming along with him and his radio.
  • Ralph Ellison stated ” In those days it was either live with music, or die with noise, we choose desperately to live.” what I think he meant by this statement is that if you can’t beat them, join them.  Rather then being annoyed with the sound,noise,music etc that goes on around you, embrace it, appreciate the fact that you have a soundtrack to the life you live, because at the end of the day what’s life without music or sound ?
  • One comparison I found between ” Living w Music” and Damon Kurkowski’s “ways of hearing” is that they both involve the importance of sound and how sounds are a huge part of our lives.

You hear me, but are you listening?, Blog Post #5

In a single day an individual encounters thousands of sounds a day. Now how many of these sounds do we actually listen to? We may hear many different sounds, but we do not listen to all of them. To listen to sounds we must consciously give our attention and interact with the sounds around us. Hearing sounds takes little focus it’s like the sounds are just passing by. A person using their headphones, reading a booking, or having their face in a phone is a person choosing what they would like to block out and what they want to listen to. We maneuver through most of our day in a private bubble. Structural features influence what we choose to listen to. For instance, our cultural background can influence the sounds that catch our attention, if you are accustomed to hearing languages and phrases on a daily basis inside your home then when you’re out those sounds will grab your attention. David Kurkowski and Murray Schafer both believe that sounds play an important role in our environment. Kurkowski said that you would be able to identify the importance a place hold by the sounds that were shared in the space. Spaces that hold concerts and parties are usually remembered by the songs sang or played. Schafer views sound as a reflection of the events that are occurring around us if an individual is in an excited mood or is sad more than likely the music playing will reflect the happiness or the sadness. The sounds around us play different roles everyday.

Blog post #5 Response-Wendy Figuereo Mota

I think “hearing” is just like noticing the noise around you and “listening” is like actually paying attention to the sound. What I mean is, for example, when you’re listening to a podcast, you’re paying attention to the story or information they are telling you. And when you hear music, you just want to dance and not pay attention to the lyrics of the song, unless you are sad, of course. We make choices about what we’re listening to. We listen to what we think is important. It’s just like when you pay attention in math class because you know it’s important to pass this course. Maybe a structural features such as social class inform how we listen, because if we compare the things that a poor person and a rich person are interested in listening to, we notice a certain difference. A rich person is usually listening to things that have to do with their major interests, but you know what? Such an irony, because poor people might be interested in listening to how to become one of them (rich people).

Schafer and Krukowski refer to the relationship between sound and space, giving the particularities of each. Schafer talks about what our arguments should look like so that when people see them, they find them easy to read. When Schafer says, “it also… makes their relevance and meaning clear to your readers,” he explains that your writing should be clear, and not vary too much in your argumentation by saying that it should be easy to read. Krukowski talks about how technology has changed the relationship between space and sound. According to Krukowski, “our voices carry further forward than they ever did before, thanks to digital media,” which means that, thanks to technology, according to him, we are gradually losing the communication we had before without headphones. Since each one now has its own bubble of space, Technically, you could say that I disagree with him since I love my “bubble”.

Blog post #5

1) I believe the difference between listening and hearing something is that, when you are hearing something such as someone talking or hearing a song for the first time, the information isn’t being taken in, it’s kind of like a ‘ in one ear out the other’ type of situation, rather the listening, you’re actually paying attention to what the persons saying and being receptive to what’s being said.


2) Schafer and Krukowski believe music and the sound of it is involved in many aspects of life.


Blog Post #4

Images captured of African Americans during the Civil Rights era shows them protesting and marching for their rights, but the portrayal was meant to depict them as weak and incapable of fighting for their rights. In the images the whites always had the upper hand Martin Berger explains the portrayal as a way to ease “white racial anxiety”. Although Martin also makes the point that images were also used to win over sympathy to get some whites on the side of blacks, I agree with Berger the images “ stuck to a restricted menu of narratives that performed reassuring symbolic work.” the media wanted to secure whites and ensure them that blacks were not a threat to their racial power.

Blog #4

Berger claims that white issuings used photographs that would depict black people to make the readers view them as victims, instead of publishing pictures that uplifts the black community. With the unfortunate public killing of George Floyd, many people all over the world came together to protest against the inhumane actions of that officer, Instead of the media airing video clippings and pictures of the many peaceful protest through out the countries, they chose to edit the news to show the readers the violent altercations that broke out during the protests to try and implement the black community as violent trouble makers. This is why I agree with berger’s claim . It’s crazy to think, if we was to compare the photographs from  the civil war, to the photographs of the brutality of today, it’ll look like they were captured in the same era !

Blog Post 2

Although women have made tremendous progress throughout the years avoiding sexism as well as male chauvinism. Berger says ” they are not naked as they are they are naked as you see them.” Women are an object of desire. We as people want to be desired. Fortunately and unfortunately the female is assosiated with the thing of beauty although a womens beauty is now much more than skin deep when it comes to the canvas and magazines its strictly vanity and appearence that catches the attention of the viewers.

Blog Post 3

According to Berger, how do “publicity”-what we would call advertising-images influence consumers and why is this significant?


“Publicity”- what we would call advertising images influence consumers by giving them a desire to have what is being advertised by the way it has been shown to its audience. I believe this is significant to the influencers because it secures buyers and their money although the consumer is only left with the fact of having spent their money. 


  1. As he compares oil painting to publicity (advertising) photography, Berger argues that oil painting “showed what the owner was already enjoying among his possessions and way of life;” “it enhanced his view of himself as he already was.”  Whereas publicity pictures, “appeal to a way of life that we aspire to or think we aspire to.” Why are these differences important? What do they reveal to us about the production of images for publicity? 

The differences between oil painting and publicity is important because an oil painting was         made to be much more natural in a sense that it was based on the creator’s reality while publicity is created to sell you a dream you are convinced to buy. This reveals that the production of images is used for publicity to convince consumers to spend their money while presenting false advertisements

  1. Choose one of the “dreams” he offers or think of your own. How does this dream offered by advertising use imagery to manipulate consumers?

“The dream of a faraway place” uses imagery to offer people a thought of freedom and peace  to a getaway place whether is mentally or physically such as taking a flight or just having a spa day. People believe to find peace peace and relaxation this way forgetting they have to come back to reality .

Blog Post #2

They say ” We should not confuse such work with the purpose of general tradition.” In the renaissance era, the women in the oil paintings were depicted as a form of art. Many of which, they were in the nude, but wasn’t viewed as naked. They were, as berger says ” open for interpretation from the eyes of the beholder.” I don’t think women have control over their images when it comes to the media. Now a days if a woman was to take a picture as the woman in the oil paintings, many won’t view it as a form of art. Everything has been sexualized especially in the media.